Finally way too late, but I wanted to conclude my views on your first Disney trip to Disneyland. Yes, I know it has been a couple of months, but this was the most important part of the whole trip. You see, the most important part of this adventure, was that we had a whole lot of LOVE to make each day so fun. Your family loves you so very very much. These girls cannot get enough of you and your cute fun. I so look forward to seeing them with you the next time now that you are getting mobile and vocal.
Your Aunt Jen, thinks you are pretty rockin' too.
These two make quite the pair
And these two as well. If your Uncle Dean had been a girl, he would have been just like Ashton...or if Ashton would have been a boy, she would have been just like your Uncle get the idea...
Ah...sweet Miss B. She takes such good care of you.
And Ashton does too...
I love you, little man.
I loved our first trip together. I can hardly wait until we go again as every month you get more and more fun. It is hard to believe that this was nearly 2 months ago. You have already grown so much since then. You do so much now that you did not do then. It is truly amazing.
I look forward to all the parades to come and the absolute most perfect best part will be watching you watch them. I cannot manage to think of one single thing more interesting to me than to see than the excitement in your eyes, the joy in your smile and to see your little face light up as you take in all the lights, music and colors.
Yes, the love was flowing strong. The laughter was bubbling often...
This Disney adventure was nearly perfect...minus the hot weather and crowds, of course...
But the love that was does not get much better than that. I know you won't remember any of it, but I hope you are imprinted forever with the love that surrounded you there. It was a very special time.