Despite his usual sense of adventure and fearlessness, he wanted no nearer than this...
"Mom! Make Radley stop kissing me!"
Mack: "Mom, I think this is too dangerous"
Me: "I said smile!" (not my proudest
I am almost there...when I can wait in line with both boys and not have to hold anyone. I will miss holding them, but not for 30 min in line all day long...
My kids have it soooo rough...
He loves fruit snacks...and I love him...
I know he does not know of this silly "planking" craze going around...but he sometimes seems to get in the game...Middle of Main Street, Disneyland, USA...
I love Halloween-time at Disneyland and the pumpkin characters...
Blue Slushies & Popcorn...lunch of champions!
Bets. ride buddies. ever.
I just love these two pictures...
Our annual photo...night & day.
Submarines! Still as cheesy as ever...but oh how they love it!
I have a feeling this is another one of those shots that we will take over and over and as soon as Radley's legs are long enough he will join in the fun. On this particular day he was "over it", so he did not join in the giant Lego fun. Maybe next time...
I think this might be our first family shot in front of the castle. I guess we should do it more often, but we are always on such a mission to get to "do something"...
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