Sunday, March 28, 2010

Please dont call CPS

Every now and again I have moments I wonder what the heck the hospital was thinking when they let me leave with these boys. Take a look at the following picture from my neice's birthday party a couple weeks back. Lets see if we can add up all the things wrong with this moment...

1. Radley with scissors. Really sharp scissors

2. Balloons on the table waiting for Radley to choke on them

3. Loooooong string from the balloons on the table waiting for Radley to tangle up in and strangle himself

4. Momma's glass of wine, yes glass...on marble patio...

I think it was at this point, I stopped with the wine and focused on moving all the death traps out of little man's reach. Oh but while I am confessing...let's throw this in for good measure too...

How I found Radley in his Aunt Jen's kitchen at one know, you do the best you can...

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