Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holiday "leftovers"

So the combined fact that we were sick over Thanksgiving, had a super-extended trip for the holidays and saw many new people has resulted in quite a few leftover photographs that were stories that either did not get blogged or did not make the monthly newsletter cut. So, here are all the "leftovers" that still deserve sharing...simply because I like them. Starting tomorrow, I will be reposting my Babywatch 2008 emails sharing the story of Maverick's birth. I look forward to reliving it myself. I haven't looked back at those until will be interesting to see how those weeks were documented with this 1 year hindsight...enjoy all! is a better look at that piece of pizza you temporarily relocated to the top of your head. You thought you were very funny. And so did your cousins...

And then of course the obligatory holiday costume photos. It is truly a shame these never made it to a blog entry...they were so fun and I know my opportunties for dressing you up in silly outfits like this is very limited....

Santa did not like this and basically refused to stand up...

And my own little TURKEY!!!! It is such a shame you were feeling so puny on Thanksgiving...

Then we have other Christmas ones. Your first Christmas was so fun...

Some special Uncle Z love...

And other ones from around the house...

Ashton pinned you in a loved it!

Playing with your cousins at the park:

You are very good on the monkey bars! You did not want to let go!

A few more from the ranch:
Practicing your walking...

You loved playing the piano!

Mr Chip!...

They even had a baby swing!

And more on safari...we saw zebras, cows and was fun.

OK...moving on!

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